Nameyeke vekirî
bo Mesûd Barzanî û Celal Talabanî
Bi qasî 130 rewşenbîrên kurd yên ku piraniya
wan li Ewropayê dijîn di nemeyek vekirî da razîbûn
û spasdariya xwe pêşkêşî serokên Partiya
Demokrat ya Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî û sekreterê
giştî yê Yekîtiya Niştimanî Kurdistanê
Celal Talabanî dikin û di eynê wextê da ji wan
daxwaza xurtkirina hevkarî û yekitiya wan dikin.
Nameya ku bi imza 130 kesî hatiye nivîsandin bi
însiyatîva Komeleya Nivîskarên Kurd li Swêdê hatiye
amadekirin û şandin.
Name û lîsteya kesên ku îmze kirine li jêrê ye.
Ji bo rêzdar Mesûd Barzanî û Mam Celal Talabanî
Li gora me jî, tiþtek ji yekitiya miletî xurttir
tuneye. Weke cenabê we jî baþ dizane ku li her derê
dinyayê qels digel hev yekitiyê dikin da xurt bibin
û xurt jî digel hev yekitiyê dikin da xurttir bibin.
Ji ber wê yekitiyê ye ku bi destên rêvebirên xelkê
me yê baþûrê welêt û cenabê we, ro li temamê miletê
me hilatiye û çarhawêr tîrêjên wê xwe berdane ser
Kurdistanê. Qudreta serokatiya we ya li wê axa me
ya pîroz, deng û reng û hestên kurdayetiyê, li herçar
perçeyên Kurdistanê gihandiye radeya herî bilind.
Em vê yeka ha di kesayetiya cenabê we de, ji bo
me hemiyan serbilindiyeke bêsînor dibînin.
Hêviya me van 128 kesên ku navên wan li jêr, ji
têgihiþtina cenabê we ew e ku yekitiya hêzên me
yên baþûrê welêt, di vê rewþa pir nazik de, ji hertim
bêhtir xweþtir, geþtir û xurttir bibe.
Bi rêz û hirmetên me
Li ser navê komîteya karger a Komeleya Nivîskarên
Kurd li Swêdê
Hesenê Metê
Laleþ Qaso
Stockholm, 22 nîsan 2003
Lîsteya kesên ko ev name îmza kirine
1. Abdullah Zaxuranî (writer, northern Kurdistan)
2. Ahmet Sari (economist, northern Kurdistan)
3. Ahmet Zeki Okçuoglu (lawyer, northern Kurdistan)
4. Akif Hasan (politician, western Kurdistan)
5. Alan Bengîn (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
6. Ali Çiftçi (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
7. Ali Coþar (economist, northern Kurdistan)
8. Aliyê Hesen (writer, northern Kurdistan)
9. Altun Baþaran (writer, northern Kurdistan)
10. Aram Gernas (writer, northern Kurdistan)
11. Azer Osî (Correspondent for TV, western Kurdistan)
12. Baran Hemze (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
13. Battal Batê (ekonomist, northern Kurdistan)
14. Behzat Battê (engineer, northern Kurdistan)
15. Bekîr Uçar (translator, northern Kurdistan)
16. Bengî Haco (doctor, northern Kurdistan)
17. Berken Bereh (poet, northern Kurdistan)
18. Bûbê Eser (writer, northern Kurdistan)
19. Burhan Yasîn (researcher, southern Kurdistan)
20. Celadet Çeliker (doctor, writer, northern Kurdistan)
21. Cîhan Roj (writer, poet, northern Kurdistan)
22. Cuma Yakut (lawyer, northern Kurdistan)
23. Cuwan Batû (doctor, northern Kurdistan)
24. Derwêþ M. Ferho (Head of the Kurdish Institute
in Brussels, northern Kurdistan)
25. Dilbirîn Þerefdîn (poet, northern Kurdistan)
26. Dilbixwîn Dara (journalist, western Kurdistan)
27. Djowan Sevinik (doctor, writer, northern Kurdistan)
28. Dr. Abdulbased Seyda (researcher, northern Kurdistan)
29. Dr. Zerdeþt Haco (Chairman of the Kurdish Pen,
western Kurdistan)
30. Ebas Shiwan (journalist, writer, southern Kurdistan)
31. Ebdulrehman Efîf (writer, southern Kurdistan)
32. Ebdurrehman Zengene (journalist, writer, southern
33. Edîb Çelkî (writer, southern Kurdistan)
34. Emer Xoce (writer, northern Kurdistan)
35. Emîn Narozî (researcher, northern Kurdistan)
36. Evdila Koçer (writer, northern Kurdistan)
37. Eyûb Alacabey (engineer, northern Kurdistan)
38. Fatma Aco (translator, southern Kurdistan)
39. Fexrî Ocler (writer, northern Kurdistan)
40. Firat Cewerî (writer, northern Kurdistan))
41. Goran Cano (journalist, northern Kurdistan)
42. Gurbet Uzunel (sociologist, northern Kurdistan)
43. Haluk Öztürk (journalist, writer, northern Kurdistan)
44. Hamdullah Emin (Grafiker, northern Kurdistan)
45. Hanefi Celepli (accountant, northern Kurdistan)
46. Hatice Demirci (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
47. Hecî Kardoxî (journalist, northern Kurdistan)
48. Helîm Yûsiv (writer, southern Kurdistan)
49. Hemîd Gewherî (writer, eastern Kurdistan)
50. Hemîd Kilicaslan (Linguist, northern Kurdistan)
51. Hesenê Metê (writer, northern Kurdistan)
52. Hiþyar Dîrok (psychologist, northern Kurdistan)
53. Husamettin Aslan (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
54. Husêyn Dozen (translator, northern Kurdistan)
55. Hüseyin Topgider (politician, northern Kurdistan)
56. Ibrahim Seydo Aydogan (writer, northern Kurdistan)
57. Ibrahîm Zaxoyî (lawyer, southern Kurdistan)
58. Ikram Delen (engineer, northern Kurdistan)
59. Kamîran Haco (writer, western Kurdistan)
60. Kasim Özkan (politician, northern Kurdistan)
61. Keya Izol (Chairman of the Kurdish Federation
in Sweden, northern Kurdistan)
62. Kovan Amedî (journalist, northern Kurdistan)
63. Laleþ Qaso (writer, northern Kurdistan)
64. Lokman Polat (writer, northern Kurdistan)
65. M. Ali Kut (writer, northern Kurdistan)
66. Magied Hasso(writer, southern Kurdistan)
67. Mahmûd Lewendî (writer, northern Kurdistan)
68. Mahmut Canbay (playwriter, northern Kurdistan)
69. Mahmut Kilinc (writer and former PM for DEP,
northern Kurdistan)
70. Mahmut Kiper (socilogist, northern Kurdistan)
71. Marîna Ezîz Taloyan (Ethnologist, kurd from
72. Maruf Yilmaz (writer, northern Kurdistan)
73. Medet Demirbag (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
74. Mêhdî Zana (writer and former director of Diyarbakir
municipality, northern Kurdistan)
75. Mem Mîrxan (writer, northern Kurdistan)
76. Memet Yüksel (writer, northern Kurdistan)
77. Mihemed Dehsiwar (Chairman of the Association
of the Kurdish Writers in Sweden - northern Kurdistan)
78. Mistefa Reþît (secretory of the Kurdish Pen,
western Kurdistan)
79. Mizgînê Gemo (writer, western Kurdistan)
80. Muhammad Efîf Hussaînî (writer, western Kurdistan)
81. Mustafa Aydogan (writer, northern Kurdistan)
82. Nazîf Telek (pedagogue, northern Kurdistan)
83. Nedim Dagdeviren (Head of the Kurdish Library
in Sweden, northern Kurdistan)
84. Nejdet Buldan (former director of Gewer munisipality,
writer, northern Kurdistan)
85. Newroz Fîslî (philologist, northern Kurdistan)
86. Newzad Hirorî (linguist, northern Kurdistan)
87. Nîhat Elî (IT professioner, northern Kurdistan)
88. Osman Aytar (socilogist, northern Kurdistan)
89. Paþa Uzun (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
90. Qado Þêrîn (writer, western Kurdistan)
91. Remzî Kerîm (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
92. Reþo Zîlan (linguist, northern Kurdistan)
93. Rewþen Tunc (translator, northern Kurdistan)
94. Rohat Alakom (researcher, northern Kurdistan)
95. Saîd Verroj (journalist, northern Kurdistan)
96. Salim Çelîker (economist, northern Kurdistan)
97. Samî Namî (writer, western Kurdistan)
98. Sandrine Alexie (Kurdologist, France)
99. Sebrî Silîvanî (poet, western Kurdistan)
100. Sebriye Hekarî (poet, western Kurdistan)
101. Sedat Anter (technician, northern Kurdistan)
102. Selahedîn Yildiz (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
103. Selma Ipek (docktor, northern Kurdistan)
104. Selwa Gulî (poet, southern Kurdistan)
105. Serdar Roþen (writer, northern Kurdistan)
106. Serhad Bapir (Painter, northern Kurdistan)
107. Serkan Birûsk (poet, porthern Kurdistan)
108. Sevgi Yildiz (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
109. Þeyhmus Özzengin (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
110. Shemal Çeliker (doctor, eastern Kurdistan)
111. Siddîq Bozarslan (writer, northern Kurdistan)
112. Sidik Gül (doctor, northern Kurdistan)
113. Silêman Demir (writer, northern Kurdistan)
114. Tengezer Marînî (writer, western Kurdistan)
115. Sahînê Bekirê Soreklî (writer, psychologist,
northern Kurdistan)
116. Þükrü Gülmüs (writer, northern Kurdistan)
117. Tîmûrê Xelîl (journalist, kurd from Armenia)
118. Turgut Verroj (journalist, northern Kurdistan)
119. Vahab Bilgeç (teacher, northern Kurdistan)
120. Vakas Çelîk (worker, northern Kurdistan)
121. Xelîl Duhokî (writer, southern Kurdistan)
122. Yasîn Hisên (wirter, poet, western Kurdistan)
123. Yusuf Özden (publisher, northern Kurdistan)
124. Zara Delibro (poet, writer, western Kurdistan)
125. Zeki Öztürk (lawyer, northern Kurdistan )
126. Zeynelabidîn Zinar (writer, northern Kurdistan)
127. Zinar Soran (writer, northern Kurdistan)
128. Ziya Avci (writer, northern Kurdistan)