Kurdish Unity in Europe




The three sections of the Kurdish Community( The Platform of Northern Kurdistan Political Organisations-PNK.Bakur, European Kurdish Initiatives-INITIATIVE, European Kurds Democratic Co-ordination-DEM -KURD), came together in Stockholm, Sweeden on the 20th and 21st of July 2002 to discuss the issues for Kurds in Europe.


At the meeting, it was underlined once again that the Kurdish nation is one of the oldest and the greatest nations in the Middle-East.  The fact that the Kurdish nation like any other nation has the right to self-determination, the right to live freely on its own land and the right to rule this land was emphasized.


No other people have suffered so much from terrorism and lost so many victims to terrorism. Peace and democracy will not be possible in Kurdistan, the Middle-East or in any of the countries occupying Kurdistan (Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria) until such time as the Kurds get their full democratic and national rights.


Approximately a million Kurds live in Europe currently both as Kurds and Europeans.  Still today thousands of Kurds are being forced to flee their homeland by the colonizers. The European Kurds, as Kurds and as Europeans, have rights and responsibilities.  The Kurdish issue has also become an issue for the European Union. The European Union states have to seriously address this issue and not just leave it to the mercy of the occupying states.


Kurds are a party to be considered in the discussions around Turkey joining the European Union. Kurds should have the authority and the say in the solution of the Kurdish problem and the status of Kurdistan.


In the meeting, the gains in Southern Kurdistan were especially acknowledged.  The Kurds have been freely ruling this part of Kurdistan for 11 years. The three sections of the Kurdish community support the demand for a Federative Kurdish State in a democratic Iraq.


The European Union and other international organisations and establishments have to apply the same sensitivity to the solution of the problem of the Kurds and Kurdistan as they do in other international arenas in solving national and social problems.


The three sections of the Kurdish Community (PNK.Bakur, The Initiative and Dem-Kurd) in full awareness of the importance of this union have decided to work under the name of European Kurdish Platform.  The Platform, through this decleration, is calling on all patriotic Kurds, Kurdish establishments and organisations to support this union.


In line with the decisions reached at the meeting, the three sections of our community will be carrying out the following together:


                      working groups will be set up in European countries;

                      a web site will be set up through publishing leaflets and bulletins;

                      seminars, panel discussions and conferences will be organised;

                      work will be carried out regarding Kurdish diplomacy and


                      solutions will be sought to the social, cultural problems of and

                       problems experienced around the identity of the Kurdish people;


European Kurdish Platform-THE PLATFORM


European Kurds Democratic Co-ordination-DEM -KURD),

 Civata Kurd (Giessen) • Civata Kurd li Elmanya (Koln) • Dengê Kurdan li Duisburgê • FKKS - Federasyona  Komeleyên Kurdistanê li Swêdê • Hevkar-Elmanya • IVK (Mainz) • Kitêbxaneya Kurdî li Stockholm • Komela  Kurdistan li Belçîka • Komela Çanda Karkerên Kurdistan-KOÇ-KAK • Komela Karkeren Kurdistan -Avusturya • Komela Karkeren Kurdistan- Danîmarqa • Komela Karkeren Kurdistan Swîsra • Komela Karkeren Kurdistan-Frensa • Komela Navnetewi ya ji bo Mafên Mirov li  Kurdistan (Elmanya) • Kurdish Advice Centre (Brîtanya Mezin) • XOYBÛN-Berlin • XOYBÛN-Danîmerqa • Yêkitiya Karkerên Kurdistan li Holland • Komela Kurd lı Rogaland-Norwey • Yekitîya Komelên Kurdistan-KOMKAR(Elmanya)

European Kurdish Initiatives-INITIATIVE

İnîsîyatîfa Kurdên Almaniya-, İnısıyatîfa Kurdên Avusturya, İnısıyatîfa Kurdên Danimarka, İnısıyatîfa Kurdên Fransa, İnısıyatîfa Kurdên Hollanda, İnîsîyatîfa Kurdên Ingiltere, İnîsîyatîfa Kurdên Swêd, İnîsîyatîfa Kurdên Swisre.


The Platform of Northern Kurdistan Political Organisations-PNK.Bakur


Partiya Azadî Demokrasî ya Kurdistanê-Padek, Partîya Îslami ya Kurdistanê-PIK, Partiya Sosyalist ya Kurdistanê-PSK, Rêxistina Sosyalist û Demokratik ya Kurdistanê-RSDK, Partiya Rizgari Ya kurdistanê-RIZGARI