Hands off Iraqi Kurdistan
Turkey Stay Home
Prevent Turkish Intervention And Invasion In Iraqi Kurdistan
The Kurdish community in Europe and their friends all over the world
in great anxiety are following Turkey’s attempt and plans to disrupt
and annihilate the Kurdish regime of selfrule, the institutions
and infrastructure of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the
democratic experiment in Iraqi Kurdistan in its entirety by reviving,
in the course of the Iraq crisis, old Turkish hegemonial and expansionist
designs. These Turkish intentions aim at the prevention of the emergence
of a free, united, democratic and federalist Iraq.
The envisaged invasion of Iraqi Kurdistan by some 60 000 Turkish
troops would inevitably lead to grave armed clashes within Iraqi
Kurdistan. Furthermore, it would create considerable, dangerous
and uncalculable regional tensions. This would dramatically add
further to the destabilisation of the entire region.
The Kurdish community in Europe is expressively supporting the motion
voted unanimously by the elected Kurdistan National Assembly (parliament)
of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, stipulating to reject and to resist
any interference by outside regional forces.
We call upon the European and World community, to protect and support
the democratic development in Iraqi Kurdistan being the nucleus
and bright example for a future free and democratic Iraq. Europe
and the World are called upon to stand against any Turkish intervention
in Iraqi Kurdistan and to actually prevent it.
The Kurdish issue stands for one of the most important problems
of the Near and Middle East. Without a peaceful and democratic solution
within the framework of the right to self-determination within a
federative Iraq, peace and stability of this region will continue
to be at permanent risk.
TheKurdish community in Europe
Central European Rally/demonstration
in Brussels
Saturday, 08th March, 2003, 13.00 hours
Van Maerlantstraap
Rue Maerlant
1040 St Joost (Brussels)
[near Metro station Schuhmann]
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
IMK e.V. unterstützt diese Aktionen und ruft Sie auf, an der Mahnwache
06. März vor dem Türkischen Generalkonsulat in Berlin und an der
Kundgebung am 08. Maerz in Brussel teilzunehmen,
Die Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker ( GfbV ), IMK e.V. und “das
der Parteien und Vereine aus Kurdistan und Irak” laden zur
Mahnwache vor dem türkischen Konsulat in Berlin ein. Motto:
“Türkei, Hände weg!
Freiheit, Frieden, Demokratie - Erhaltet Irakisch Kurdistan !”
Am Donnerstag,
den 06. 03. 2003 um 10.30 h,
Treffpunkt ist Kurfürstendamm 100, schräg gegenüber
des türkischen Konsulats.
U-Bahn: Adenauerplatz ( U7 )
Kundgebung in Brussel
Central European Rally
Samstag, 08. Maerz 2003, 13.00 Uhr
Van Maerlantstraap
Rue Maerlant
1040 St Joost (Brussels)
[near Metro station Schuhmann]