The arrest warrant against Dogan
Ozgüden remains in force
Emin Karaca
for insult to the Army chiefs
Journalist and writer Emin Karaca
was condemned on September 13, 2005 by the penal court of
first instance N°2 of Istanbul to a 5-month imprisonment old
according to Article 301/2 of the new Turkish Penal Code (replacing
Article 159/1 of the old Turkish Penal Code) because of his
criticisms as regards the putschist
generals of March 12, 1971. The prison sentence was later
commuted to a suspended fine of 900 YTL
(New Turkish Liras).
The court
also decided to acquit the responsible editor for the Türkiye'
review of ve Avrupa'
da Yazin (Literature in Turkey and Europe), Mehmet Emin
Sert, who had published Karaca's
article on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the execution
of three leaders of progressive youth.
In the same case started in 2002, Dogan
Özgüden, chief editor of Info-Türk,
had been indicted for his article
entitled "After 30 years", appeared in the same
review, and accused of having insulted the Army chiefs. On
September 27, 2002, the court sent to all border check points
an arrest warrant ordering that Özgüden,
exiled in Belgium, be immediately arrested and submitted to
the justice as soon as he enters to Turkey. Up to now, this
arrest warrant has been renewed five times by the same court,
but Özgüden refused to surrender
to Turkish justice.
At the audience of June 22, 2005, the public prosecutor asked that the lawsuit
file against Dogan Özgüden be separate until its arrest in the event of its return
to the country so that the lawsuit against Karaca
can continue separately. The court thus decided to separate
Özgüden's file and to suspend his
trial until his arrest in the event of his return to Turkey. (For more information on the case: )
The condemnation of Karaca shows
that, in spite of the modification of the Turkish Penal Code,
so appreciated by the European Union, the indictment and condemnation
of writers and journalists
for "opinion crimes" continue as before.
The independent communications network (BIA)
announced on September 13 2005, that under the Article 301
(old article 159) of the TPC a number
of journalists are always tried for insult against the Turkish
nation, the Army, the government or the forces of security
simply because of their criticisms. It gives like examples
the following recent cases:
Novelist Orhan
Pamuk, for insult to the Turkish
Journalist Ragip Zarakolu,
publisher of Belge Yayinlari,
for insult to the State, the Republic and Atatürk
Journalist Hrant Dink, editor of
the Armenian newspaper Agos, for
insult to the Turkish nation
Journalist Dogan Özgüden,
for insult to the Army
Journalist Emin Karaca,,
for insult to the Army
Lawyer Sehmus Ulek,
vice-president of the Association for the defense
of the oppressed (Mazlum-DER), for
insult to the Turkish nation
Journalist Rahmi Yildirim,
for insult to the Army
Journalist Ersen Korkmaz,
editor of Demokrat Iskenderun,
for insult to the government.
news on the situation of human rights in Turkey:
Le 25e anniversaire du
coup d'état du 12 septembre
Les héritages honteux
de la dictature militaire
persistent au seuil de l'UE
50 protesters of September 12 were attacked and detained by
La Turquie condamnée
à Strasbourg pour opération de police
Les tentatives de lynchage
s'intensifient depuis cinq mois
Le Conseil de sécurité
insiste sur la poursuite de la répression
La Turquie condamnée
à Strasbourg pour violation de la liberté
Poursuites contre
Orhan Pamuk - L'UE
s'en prend
à la Turquie
International PEN 's reaction against Orhan
Pamuk's indictment
L'écrivain Orhan
Pamuk inculpé pour "insulte" aux Turcs
RSF: Un journaliste
d'origine kurde incarcéré en Turquie
Heavy fines to Turkey for violating freedom of expression
RSF scandalisée
par la garde à vue
arbitraire de quatre
Appel de solidarité
pour la paix et le dialogue en Turquie
Second International Conference on EU,
Turkey and the Kurds
La police allemande attaque les
médias kurdes
Manifestants kurdes
attaqués par des nationalistes turcs: 200 blessés
A Kurdish Demonstrator Killed by security forces in Batman
Une conférence
majeure sur la Turquie au Parlement européen
Belgique: Matinée
d'étude sur le combat contre le négationnisme
Négationnisme: Le procureur
juge Emir Kir
Anniversaire d'incidents
anti-grecs: une
exposition saccagée à Istanbul
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