A Letter from democratic Kurdish Organizations
to Socialist International:
"In the light of the above, we hope that you will revise
the membership of CHP to Socialist International and do the
required thing!.."
Socialist International
Maritime House
Old Town
London, SW4 0JW
United Kingdom
Dear Madam
Dear Sir
The difficulties between Turkey and EU gradually
increase. In this process, the democratic Kurdish organizations
and institutions working for the Kurds established in European
countries, who have signed this document,
believe that it is our historical mission to give our point
of view and ideas to you about the Republic Public Party-CHP
that is currently a member of the Socialist International.
The Kemalists established a national and unitary
republic out of the debris of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, sanctity
of the state and the relation between state and individual
has not seriously changed and remains one of master to servant.
In the period of the multiparty system that has been set up
in 1950, Kemalist regime has continued
its existence due to the lack of democratic expansions based
on human rights, pluralism, participation, and power sharing.
In Turkey, the Gladio organization has grown rapidly and become a secret
state in control of the military bureaucracy. CHP, which claims
to be social-democratic, has been the biggest supporter of
the Gladio, and tried to gain power
on the basis of that organization instead of using democratic
The country’s entrance process to the EU and the formation of the AKP’s stand-alone government has caused important changes
between the relations and alliances among the public institutions
in the country. Labour class and Kurdish national opposition
continue their struggle as before. Alevi
Muslims’ opposition is also added on this.
Despite all its efforts, Turkey’s internal opposition
could not force the bureaucratic and unitary Turkish regime
to make democratic changes and transformations. However, Turkish
officials have had to make some democratic expansions under
the pressure of EU initiatives.
The Turkish secret state, which is driven by the military bureaucracy,
is a fascist organization. The strongest opposition to remove
the existent status quo is stemmed from this organization.
It is because of that the EU opposes the active role of the
military on Turkish politics. Beside the secret state, Turkish
fascist organizations and fascist people are also object to
change of the existent status quo in the country. Unfortunately,
CHP, which claims to be a social democratic party, also opposes
the removal of the existent status quo.
Briefly, the Turkish secret state, CHP, which claims to be a social democratic
party, but in fact they are a national socialist party and
national socialist people, and also fascist party, fascist
people and institutions, by announcing themselves as nationalist
have constituted a union that is called “Red Apple”.
The name “Red Apple” is a term that is created by Turkish fascists. In
the period of the World War II, Turkish fascists who were
influenced by the Hitler Nazism created the idea of establishing
a Turkish empire that covers the
Caucasian and the Balkans Turkish communities, and they called
this idea as “Red Apple”.
This union strongly opposes the change of the antidemocratic articles in
the Turkish justice system, the reduction of the current 10%
election barrage, the elimination of the barriers on the latitude
of thought, minority rights, endowed charities, changes in
the political parties law, also change of antidemocratic articles
in the Turkish criminal law, and also finding a solution to
Kurdish question. In other words, they are opposed to the
fulfillment of the Copenhagen criteria. They assert
that if Turkey becomes a member
of the EU, it will become colony of the West and be partitioned.
CHP that is already your member is also supportive of this
fascist front.
This is normal for reactionary, racist, fascist people and institutions
to think like that, but for a party that is the member of
the Socialist International it is unacceptable to think like
that and support such ideas. Such a position is contradictory
to the main principles of Socialist International, and also
besmirches its reputable and great name.
In a country that is on the way to democratization and modernization, this
is a grievous and discreditable contradiction for a party
that claim itself to be a social democrat to be a member of
such a reactionary, racist, fascist, and status quo supporter
As you know, Kurds are one of the ancient nations of the Middle-East. The destiny of 40 million Kurds is left in the
hand of the states which have occupied
Kurdistan. The Kurdish question
has become a question that also concerns the modern world.
It is impossible to reach peace and stability in the Middle-East
without solving this question.
We, as the democratic Kurdish Organizations and Institutions, working for
the Kurds and established in European countries, who
have signed this document, think that it is our historical
mission to inform you about this as it is an unacceptable
and discreditable situation. In the light of the above, we
hope that you will revise the membership of CHP to Socialist
International and do the required thing.
Undersigning Organizations und Institutions
of Associations form Kurdistan – KOMKAR - Germany;
of Associations from Kurdistan – Switzerland;
– Hamburg - Germany;
Community – Gießen - Germany;
Community – Köln - Germany;
of the Kurds – Duisburg
– Mainz
for Kurdish Arts and Culture – Hoybun, Berlin;
Library – Stockholm;
Community – Fulda – Germany;
House – Lübeck – Germany;
Workers Culture Association - KOÇ-KAK – Netherlands;
Centre for the Human Rights of the Kurds - IMK – Bonn - Germany;
Association, Norway;
Institute – Brussels;
Solidarity Association – Germany;
Womens Office KOMJIN – Germany;
of the Youth from Kurdistan - KOMCIWAN – Germany;
– Switzerland;
Union of the Workers from Kurdistan – Den Haag;
KOMKAR – Denmark;
KOMKAR – Great Britain;
of the Youth from Kurdistan – KOMCIWAN – Sweden;
of Women from Kurdistan - KOMJIN- Sweden;
- Belgium